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  3. Changan UNI-K
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Hybrid: UNI-K iDD
Changan UNI-K iDD
Changan UNI-K
  • Engine: 2.0T 233 hp
  • Gearbox: Automatic
  • Drive mode: FWD, 4WD
Price in China: 157.900 - 188.900 yuans ($21.470 - $25.690)
Year: 2020

Compare Changan UNI-K and Exeed TXL 2.0

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Changan UNI-K Exeed TXL 2.0
Common features
Traction front wheel drive front wheel drive
Cylinders / Valves   4/16
Power net, hp 233 197261
Torque, Nm   290400
Body style crossover crossover
Doors / Places 5/5 5/5
Length 4865 4780
Width 1948 1885
Height 1690 1730
